About Us

about us

about Us

My father was an amazing man that played a big role in my life, he was just like every dad loving, kind, hard-headed most of the time; he took my brother and I fishing and hunting when we stayed at my grandparent’s house. When I turned eleven years old my mom had to tell her kids the hardest news “your father is passing away” and as a little kid that breaks you, but it also made me stronger because it made me think about mental health more than ever. My mother was always a major influential figure in my life.

As a child I witnessed her accomplish many things for her career which ended with her going into small time business owner. Seeing her run a business was a turning point in my life, because I was in college at the time with some sense of who I wanted to be which was a forensic scientist. Soon, that changed when I watched a podcast with one of my favorite musicians, and in that podcast, he mentioned the abyss as a metaphor to his mental health or being trapped in a state of mind and that just resonated with me. He goes on to talk about the “abyss” is something that is different for everyone, someone’s can be only a few feet deep and others it can be an endless pit. They go on to ask how do you get out of the abyss and to that I say that’s what we are all trying to figure out.

So, moving on a couple years later I left my college town and that’s when Abyss Wear came to be. While I was getting everything together to go full speed into the small business world and thinking about the comfortable and meaningful products I would have, many things were going on with me such as trying to juggle a full-time job while staying up late every night trying to start a career was no easy task. Being a young entrepreneur, I still have many challenges that I will face, I will continue to use each setback as a chance to grow and reach my goal as a successful business owner. Today, we are a thriving company with a loyal customer base and a reputation for delivering excellence. Without the support from my family, friends, as well as all the customers supporting me now, I would not be here today, and just wanted to tell you thank you.

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